
This site provides varied articles about Indonesian visual arts and cultural background in Indonesia,
the country which consist of 33 provinces and more than 300 tribes that living peacefully,
with their own uniqueness of cultures and arts.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dry Brush Techniques : Oil Colours On Paper (Part-2)

After introducing about dry brush technique on the previous post, let's take a peak for how to do it :)

What we need :
  • Watercolour paper
  • Oil Colours (i'm using Marie's student grades, a very cheap paints)
  • Palette for mixing paints
  • Synthetic brusses, from point-type to make details & lines, till wide/big size for background
  • Photos for refferent
  • Pencils for pre-sketches
  • Kneaded eraser for highlights
This is what i'm using all the times. Cheap stuffs but usefull :D

    I always starts from pre-sketch with H or HB pencil. Don't give too much pressure on the paper when we're sketching, or you'lll leave grooves on the paper.

    After we're sure with the sketch, time to mix the colours. I'm starts from the eyes with point-typed brush. Remember, as we're doing it with dry brush, so don't give to much paint as we go. Do it slowly. Take the paints just a little bit with the tip of the brushes. Then rub the brushes on palette to wiped away the excessive paints. Paint it on the lines we made with pencil before.

    Actually it's not much differents from other common techniques, just the paints are litte bit.

    Paint a thin layer first, as we can add more if we're going to make it darker

    I always do the 'lines' first before filling the larger spaces

    Always start from outer/corner sides, then filled into wide areas

    Save background for the last

    Done and framed

    This is portrait of Christine from Jakarta. Remember to changes our brusshes on the goes. Small brush for corners & narrow areas, and vice versa, bigger for wider spaces. For making highlights, use kneader eraser.

    This dry brush techniques is a bit challenging for a newbie. So don't ever give up to practice more. Feel free to ask me on the comments corner if you got any questions :)

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